Service List

The Iowa County Land Conservation Department offers technical assistance for many programs including crop rotation, contour strip cropping, crop residue management,  nutrient management programs, cost sharing for conservation practices, and  the Farm Land Preservation Program/Working Lands Initiative.

Nutrient Management Program  

The nutrient management program is available to landowners who want to manage the amount of nutrients that are being spread on fields in order to conserve the soil quality.  A nutrient management plan (NMP) is necessary for landowners who mechanically apply manure or chemicals to fields while receiving the FPP/WLI tax credit. A nutrient management plan can be developed by a professional, or by taking classes through Iowa County UW-Extension to develop your own. Cost-share funds may be available to assist with the development of a nutrient management plan.

DATCP Nutrient Management-General Info:

Nutrient Management Software:

Manure Application Maps:

NMP Checklist:

IA County Animal & Waste Storage & Nutrient Utilization Ordinance:

Waste Storage - Nutrient Utilization Ordinance

FPP/WLI Program  

The WLI/FPP program is designed for eligible farmers in Wisconsin to receive an income tax credit in exchange for keeping land in agricultural use and by complying with state soil and water conservation practices.

WLI/FPP Program:

FPP Tax Credit Information:

Wildlife Damage Abatement & Claims Program  

The Wildlife Damage Abatement & Claims Program is a service to farmers who incur agricultural damage to crops by wildlife including bear, deer, geese, and turkey.  The WDNR provides assistance in damage prevention and compensation for agricultural damage.  This program is funded by the WDNR and administered by the County and USDA-Animal and Plant Health Inspections Services (APHIS).


LWRM Cost Share Opportunities  

The Iowa County Land Conservation Department  has been successful in obtaining a DATCP Land and Water Resource Management Grant (LWRM).  The money will be used to cost share conservation practices with rural landowners to help improve the water and soil of Iowa County.  The goal of the LWRM grant is to reduce sediment and phosphorous entering our streams. To find out if your project qualifies for a 70% cost share opportunity, contact the Iowa County Land Conservation Department today!  See the Projects List page for a full list of projects that the county  may be able to help with.

Contractor Lists  

The LCD maintains a list of contractors in the Iowa County area that provide services to landowners.

Concrete Contractors

Conservation Consulting

Engineer List



Forestry-Private Consultants

Invasive Species and Brush Removal

Native Grass Plantings

No-Till Drill

Nutrient Management Planners

Prescribed Burning

Roof Gutters

Soil Testing

Threatened or Endangered Species

Well Decommissioning

Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)

CREP is a voluntary program that allows landowners to enroll agricultural lands into conservation practices. If you sign up for CREP with FSA, you will be eligible to sign up for an additional state incentive payment by signing a contract with the County.

CREP Details:

General Information
Phone Numbers
(608) 930-9891
Emergencies: Dial 911
303 W Chapel Street
Suite 2100

8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday