The Courts, Juvenile Intake or direct referral from a law enforcement agency and schools.
This program offers first offenders an alternative to Juvenile Court. The offender must admit their guilt in order to participate in court ordered programs. A jury of their peers will sentence them. Referrals can come from Juvenile Intake, Law Enforcement Officers, School Officials or through the Courts.
The program serves youth ages 12-17 who commit first-time, misdemeanor crimes and for youth interested in becoming a Volunteer Juror, Attorney, Bailiff or Clerk.
Offenses that court ordered programs will handle include theft, receiving or concealing stolen property, trespassing, obstructing, disorderly conduct, damage to property, possession of tobacco, shoplifting, truancy, curfew, GDL violations and other offenses as appropriate. Cases will be evaluated on an individual basis.
After you receive training you could serve as a Jury Member, Bailiff, Clerk, Defense Attorney or Prosecuting Attorney.
Possible sentences include: future participation on the court ordered programs jury, community service and essays or letters of apology are mandatory conditions of a sentence. Other conditions of a sentence could include, restitution, fines, community or individual projects, daily journals, home curfews.
Court is held in the evening of the send Wednesday of every month at the Iowa County Courthouse in the Courtroom. If additional referrals demand more time, court may by held on the evening of the fourth Wednesday as well.
Juvenile offender – if there is compliance with the court’s sentence he or she will have succeeded in turning the offense into something useful. Parents they are no longer held totally accountable, the juvenile becomes responsible for his or her actions. Community – receives benefits from projects & community service, sees teens being held accountable. Court – reduces juvenile court costs and provides a sentence that is tailored to the offender and the offense. Youth Volunteers – gain a sense of responsibility, help encourage peers to stop behaviors that reflect on all teens, and provides an opportunity to have valuable input in the justice system. Upon completion of the court ordered program Sentence, citations will be dismissed or Juvenile Referrals will be closed with no records of the offense. This gives the youth an opportunity to start clean and hopefully make better decisions.
You can call Cynthia Foreman, at (608) 341-8270, to become involved or to learn more about the program.