Local Libraries

Iowa County is proud to support our local libraries.  Our support is managed by the Iowa County Library Committee.  The Committee was formed as a result of Iowa County’s adoption of  the 2018 County Library Plan.  The Committee’s job is to update the plan, follow the plan, and assist local libraries to ensure the highest level of library services.  If you would like to email the Library Committee Chair, please click here.

Dodgeville Chronicle - Public libraries serve Iowa County.

  • A list of all county libraries and links to their webpages and phone numbers listed..

Barneveld         608.924.3711

Blanchardville   608.523.2055

Cobb                608.623.2554

Dodgeville         608.935.3728

Livingston         608.943.6801

Mineral Point     608.987.2447

Montfort            608.943.6265

Muscoda           608.739.3510